

Cultural resources are tangible connections to both past and living peoples. They encompass the significant things that past people have built, the stories they have made, and the impact that they have had. Cultural resources are irreplaceable and non-renewable resources. Being a good steward means respecting our irreplaceable and significant past, understanding that these resources tell a story which has the ability to bring those of us living closer to those who have lived before. Studying and preserving the past also educates us on past peoples, informing how we can create a better future. By leaving things the way we found them and making as little impact as possible, we are helping to preserve history and ensuring that future generations will be able to experience and learn from them as we have. No matter where they are located or when they were created, cultural resources are not abandoned or forgotten -- they make up a part of all of our story and it is up to us to ensure they are protected for current and future generations.


The preservation of our natural recreation areas and cultural sites is key to ensuring that these destinations are available for you and future generations to experience and enjoy. As people flock to public lands for recreation, it is our responsibility to ensure that the land is being used in a responsible and sustainable way. Our commitment to preservation focuses on the maintenance, protection, and repair of historic sites and the responsible use of trails and land.

In order to preserve our natural environment and retain its pristine beauty, we must promote understanding around responsible utilization.


Exploration is the responsible enjoyment of our parks, public lands, historic and prehistoric sites. To explore is to experience, to experience is to appreciate and appreciation leads to preservation, being trusted stewards of the land and working to ensure that these resources are here for future generations to explore.